Media shops.
Why smaller can be greater.

Media shops.  Why smaller can be greater. Media shops.  Why smaller can be greater.
  • News
  • Matt McMinn
  • 03.07.2024

It's always exciting being an independent media agency. But what do we offer over the big networks?

We're glad you asked...

  1. Personalised Service:

Indies often provide a more personalised, hands-on approach. They can offer tailored solutions and dedicate more time and attention to each client due to their typically smaller client roster.

  1. Bespoke Strategies:

Independent agencies are more likely to develop tailored strategies that are aligned with the objectives of a brand, rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach or adhering to share deals, where networks have committed to spending a certain amount with media owners, meaning not all recommendations are aligned with the client’s goals.

  1. Innovative Thinking:

Indies are often more willing to take creative risks and employ a test and learn approach. They are not bound by the rigid structures and standardised procedures that can sometimes stifle creativity in larger network agencies.

  1. Cost Efficiency:

Without the overhead costs associated with large network agencies, independent agencies can offer more competitive pricing. Brands often get more value for their investment, as the budget is directed towards actual campaign execution rather than covering high administrative costs.

  1. Flexibility and Agility:

Indies are generally more flexible and can adapt quickly to changes. They can make swift decisions without the need for lengthy approvals from a corporate hierarchy, allowing them to respond rapidly to market shifts and new opportunities.

  1. Direct Access to Senior Talent:

Clients often have direct access to senior talent and decision-makers in an independent agency. This ensures that experienced professionals are closely involved in strategy development and execution, rather than delegating key tasks to junior staff. It can make the process quicker and more cost-effective.

  1. Strong Client Relationships:

Building long-term, trust-based relationships is often a priority for independent agencies. They rely heavily on client satisfaction and word-of-mouth referrals, leading them to go the extra mile to ensure their clients are happy.

  1. Transparency and Accountability:

Independent agencies typically offer greater transparency in their processes and pricing. They are more accountable for their results, as their reputation and future business depend heavily on delivering successful outcomes for their clients.

  1. Culture Fit:

Brands may find that independent agencies offer a closer cultural fit. The values and ethos of independent agencies can often align more closely with those of their clients, fostering a more harmonious working relationship.

  1. Creativity:

Some Indie media agencies offer creative resource, meaning a brand's media and creative strategies are aligned. This approach can improve communication, speed up execution, optimise budgets, and ultimately lead to better campaign outcomes and a stronger return on investment.

So, in summary, independent agencies offer a nimble, client-focused, and innovative alternative that can be attractive for brands looking for a more personal approach, tailored strategies, flexibility, and cost efficiencies.

To see our full services click here and take a look at our media buying page.

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