
Reaching the difficult
to reach.

Cheeky were tasked with driving brand awareness and sales of SKIPPY peanut butter to a new, younger and harder to reach audience.

  • VOD
  • DOOH
Skippy Skippy

Planned it. Booked it. Delivered it.

The media strategy was designed to maximise reach, but more importantly drive consideration. Video was identified as the strongest medium to overcome potential barriers to purchase and create standout vs the competition.

TGI data helped identify London as over indexing against peanut butter loving Gen Z's with the highest density of supermarket purchase opportunities. Accurate demographic and lifestyle targeting and alignment with the creative delivered relevance with our target audience which helped achieve the client objectives.


Love Island? We love it.

We worked closely with the newly re-launched ITVX team to deliver a bespoke programme partnership with Love Island that over-indexed against our target audience and optimised demographically targeted reach with All4. 

This combination of media partners delivered strong impression and engagement levels in a traditionally non-clickable environment providing broadcast stature in a targeted and cost effective delivery.  

Programmatic digital video and YouTube extended the reach of the campaign in contextually relevant environments and paid social drove engagement, along with social boost to increase the reach of our social ads in standard digital display environments.

The combination of channels increased the campaign exposure against the new younger audience and standout in a traditionally habitual shopper behaviour led category.

Same tasty results too.

SKIPPY sales increased significantly in London and the campaign helped secure listings in Aldi stores nationwide.


"We were looking for a new marketing approach for SKIPPY to help drive market share. Cheeky really got under the skin of the brief creating a fun and engaging campaign"

Frances Sheehan

EMEA Brand Manager, Hormel Foods
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Now, time for a brew.